Tottenham Police station Demo 8 August 2020
Tottenham Rights was at the fore of organising the recent protest, outside Tottenham Police Station on 8 August, against the rising tide of brutal policing that we have been forced to witness since the Coronavirus lockdown began in March 2020.
We called on Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, David Lammy, Tottenham’s MP and Joseph Ejiofor, Leader of Haringey Council as Black politicians to help us to hold the Metropolitan Police Force to account. However, it would appear that what they are able and wiling to acknowledge in private they are not brave enough to state in public.
That our politicians, who happen to be Black, are afraid to talk about INSTITUTIONAL RACISM in the public arena should be of major concern to all Black voters, and non voters, as it means that we are left on our own to identify and fight the scourge of racism. This is why Tottenham Rights along with The Monitoring Group, 4Front and others have come together to build a series of actions to demand that the Metropolitan Police Force be officially deemed as an institutionally racist organisation and put under ‘special measures’ until they are able to prove they are no longer institutionally racist. To enable this outcome to be achieved we believe that the current Commissioner Cressida Dick has to go as under her leadership we have seen the dramatic increase in the ‘use of force’ on Black people across the cpital